My inspirations

My inspirations post covers me talking about 3 seperate differant directors into what there careers have went through, work, growing up in the media industry and more. I talked about Jon Favreau, Wes Anderson and Vince Gilligan and there careers i also discussed how each project has impacted them and what its means to me on a personal level. Finally my post covers why these directors inspire me as a whole to direct and be apart of the film industry as a whole.

This post is relevant to me for two reasons, being apart of media and productions is the reason why im going into this career forward and talking about inspirations to me that also made me want to follow this career. Talking about the selected directors i have chosen has shown and demonstrated how much i love and value media and its become of these inspirations that made me follow this path.  It has helped also with researching and guiding me with acadamic and employment, these directors have made me realize and decide the career i want to take in my life. These inspirations have helped me decide my future in employment and possible university decision's.


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